What is this?

A series of 12 masterclasses all about healing with herbs. You will learn through:

  • Science: Learn about the properties of plants and how they interact with the body.

  • Nature: Explore, forage and delve into the green world through the seasons 🍂.

  • Remedies: Discover practical ways of using herbs to supporting your health.

  • Story: Understand the plants through ancient traditions, mythology and folklore.

  • Rituals: Work with herbs energetically as well as physically.

I'm Izzy

Thank you so much for landing here! I am delighted that you are interested in working with me over the year to learn about herbal medicine and health. I am a herbalist, naturopath & nutritional therapist. I work with clients using nutrition and herbs to support their health and I love connecting plants and people! However, I realised that many do not realise the powerful role that plants play in our health. I believe it is now time to reclaim this knowledge of using plants as medicine and 'A Year of Herbal Medicine' will take you on a journey through the seasons and learning about health and herbal medicine along the way! I really hope you join me.

Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist, Herbalist Dip CNM Member of Association of Master Herbalists, British Association of Nutrition & Lifestyle Medicine, Association of Naturopathic Practitioners, General Naturopathic Council, Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council

Do you want to learn more about looking after your health using natural medicine but don't know where to start 👇?

I will take you through how to use herbal medicine 🌿 in your healing toolkit.

We will be using the seasons as a guide to healing in sync with nature 🌳. Learn from a master herbalist how to support your health naturally . Become confident using plants as medicine. Rediscover your innate knowledge of how to heal with natural medicine.

Course curriculum

    1. Before we begin...

    2. Welcome and Introduction to A Year of Herbal Medicine

    3. A Brief Introduction to Herbal Medicine

    4. Where to Buy Your Herbs

    5. Important Note

    1. Spring Herbs & Detox

    2. Spring Herbs & Detox Slides

    3. Further Reading List

    4. Nettle

    5. Cleavers

    6. Chickweed

    7. Violet

    8. Yarrow

    9. Dandelion

    10. Plantain

    11. Q&A Session

    1. Understanding Energetics & The Elements

    2. Understanding Energetics & The Elements Slides

    3. Discover Your Dosha

    4. Balancing Your Dosha

    5. Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Massage)

    6. Nasal Cleansing with Neti Pot

    7. Five Element Summary

    8. Further Reading List

    9. Q&A Session

    1. Magical May Connecting with Plant Stories

    2. Magical May Slides

    3. Ways to make the most of magical May

    4. Further Reading List

    5. Q&A Session

    1. Herbs of the Sun and Plants & the Planets

    2. Herbs of the Sun and Plants & the Planets Slides

    3. Further Reading

    4. Herbs of the Sun

    5. Q&A

    1. Using Acute Herbal Remedies

    2. Using Acute Herbal Remedies

    3. Home Herbal Remedies

    4. Q&A Session

About this course

  • £144.00
  • 77 lessons
  • 33 hours of video content


Get started learning about herbal medicine including downloadable resources, recipes & remedies.


  • When do we start?

    You can join anytime! The course was run live and so everything is pre-recorded so you can watch it straightaway.

  • How much time will I need to invest?

    It's really simple, just one hour a month. If you don't have the time you can always watch later! If you have more time then great! Get stuck in and come to the Q&As, make some herbal remedies, do some foraging, find your healing herb!

This Is Your Chance To Learn, Heal & Connect with Plants

Get started now

What I gained from learning about herbs and what I hope you will too....

  • Confidence, health and love for my body and our environment

  • ​Empowered to trust my intuition and serve my body's needs

  • Energy and delight at the green abundance of life

  • Connection with nature and our forefathers

  • Grounded-ness, centered-ness, purpose and clarity

Why I created this course...

Herbal medicine is not just finding a plant to deal with a symptom. Of course, you can do that, in fact most pharmaceutical drugs are derived from plants. But that does not bring sustainable health. I believe you can achieve that by taking a holistic approach to working the plants. This might mean adding wild foods to your meals, being out in nature, learning the stories of the plants, making herbal remedies or simply adding in a herbal tea. Whatever you are called to do A Year of Herbs will you be there to help you on this journey.

What you will learn

March: Welcome in the spring by learning about traditional cleansing herbs and holistic approaches to detoxification.

April: Learn about the qualities and the elements of herbs and food from Chinese Medicine to Ayurveda so we can balance our health throughout the seasons.

May: Magical May is nature's fertile time exploring how this relates to us and the myths and rituals of the plants at this time of year.

June: Discover the connections between the plants and the planets focusing on the sun for summer solstice.

July: Build your medicine chest and finding your green allies plus summer holiday remedies with a focus on first aid herbal medicine.

August: As temperature's rise, learn about the power of bitter herbs to keep us cool as a cucumber and how to manage digestive and liver health.

September: After a summer of fun, learn about herbs to keep us calm and collected by exploring the emotional uses of plants and flower essences.
October: Shorter days and longer nights means story-telling time! Have some fun with herbal recipes and remedies for the end of the harvest and Halloween.

November: Explore another kingdom with this medicinal mushroom special as well as a focus on immune health and staying well during winter.

December: A festive season for fun with folklore and the traditions of this time and of course winter remedies and recipes!

January: We will be working with adaptogens and how to use them to help us start the New Year in health and provide us with energy for January.

February: We will bring together our time of learning and end with herbs for heart-opening and our intentions for the seeds we have planted on this journey.

From Science to Story, This Is A Unique Holistic Approach to Healing & Herbs.

Don't Miss Out

Izzy has created a fantastic fun and informative herbal course that follows the seasons as the herbs grow and with the ailments in mind that we tend to suffer from with the different seasons (with lots more thrown in). She gives us tasks which bring meaning and a physical understand of the theory that we learn along the way which all ties in beautifully to bring the course to life. My favourite was when we were asked to forage for a herb that grows in the Springtime which helps the lymphatic system which we then get to create a delicious drink from! I loved the recipes we were given and the off-the-cuff tips and tricks that Izzy was happy to share with us. The course is pitched at those with little knowledge of herbs but I know other students who had much more knowledge than me, who came away with a deeper understanding of the world of herbs and enjoyed the course as much as I did. It is evident that Izzy is very passionate about herbs and she really goes the extra mile to ensure we all understand everything. I would highly recommend this course, not only is the teaching and content great, and delivered in a relaxed manner, but it is affordable and flexible to our busy lifestyles as all video call sessions are recorded, and all the slides are available on the platform to refer back to, avoiding the need for note taking. Since a "Year of Herbal Medicine" I've invested in 2 additional courses created and run by Izzy and I've been equally impressed. Sign up and see for yourself! Tracy, South West London

“Thank you so much for delivering such useful information.You were just wonderful to watch and hear. I have taken so many notes!”


“I didn't realise how magnificent herbs and spices are. I learnt so much. I could listen to it again. More of this please!”


“Izzy is such a captivating speaker I wouldn’t hesitate recommending working with her as she was a first class speaker! ”


“Izzy is the most exceptional Herbalist I have ever met, and I have met many. She is warm, kind and engaging and most importantly of all-her knowledge and application of herbs is uncanny. I cannot recommend learning from her enough.”


“As a nurse, I value Izzy's practice as the foundation of medicine. Izzy has a great breadth of knowledge told in stories that bring you back to nature and its healing. She has helped me with my own health issues and I support myself daily drinking her teas.”
